Monday, March 21 “Fasting”

Read Matthew 6:16-18. Fasting is removing our attention from the physical in order to totally focus on that which is spiritual. The purpose of fasting is not to persuade God to follow my agenda or to hurry him along. The purpose is to focus on God and see his plan more clearly. Jesus says do not be self righteous, but God honoring.

Tuesday, March 22 “Joyful Giving”

Read 2 Cor. 9:6-15. Tithing and sacrificial giving is a wonderful and joyful experience. Jesus said it is more blessed to give than receive. Am I a joyful giver?


Wednesday, March 23 “Pray and Fasting”

Read Mark 9:14-32. When the disciples were powerless they brought the demon possessed boy to Jesus and asked why they could not cast out the demon. Jesus told them in v29 that they were powerless because they were prayerless. We must rely on prayer!

Thursday, March 24 “Persistent Prayer”

Read Luke 18:1-8. Jesus tells us to pray fervently. Don’t lose heart. Never give up or give in. Perhaps you have been praying about something or someone for a long time. If you are convinced that it’s God’s will, keep praying!

Friday, March 25 “Treasure and Heart”

Read Matthew 6:19-24. When is enough, enough? Jesus never says don’t save. Yet, some folks only want to build bigger barns and put money in the bank. Jesus says to invest in the kingdom of God. That is eternal.

Saturday, March 26 “Faith”

Read Hebrews 11. This is called the “Faith Chapter.” Over and over we read “by faith,” v6 tells us without faith it is impossible to please God.

Sunday, March 27 “Love”

Read John 13:34-35. Love and unity in a church are critical to accomplish God’s mission. Jesus stated that all people would know we are His disciples by our love for one another.

Monday, March 28 “Prayer”

Read Matthew 6:5-15. “The disciples prayer” This is a pattern of prayer. It was the response of Jesus to His disciples statement, Lord teach us to pray.


Tuesday, March 29 “Extravagant Love”

Read Mark 14:3-10. A year of wages! Poured out on Jesus! What we do for Jesus is never a waste nor is it too extravagant. Extravagant love is often criticized. Jesus will come to your defense.

Wednesday, March 30 “Trust”

Read Proverbs 3:5-6. Do we really trust God? Pray that we would trust God with our finances, family and future. Trust him to make out paths straight and direction true.

Thursday, March 31 “Prayer”

Read Matthew 26:36-44. The Prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. In a dark and painful time, Jesus prayed. Can we pray in the valleys of life?


Friday, April 1 “Giving”

Read Mark 12:41-44. Jesus points out the biggest giver. The one who gave all she had to live on. What do you think happened to her? Am I willing to give sacrificially?


Saturday, April 2 “Radical Obedience”

Read Luke 18:18-30. The real young ruler was religious, but not obedient. We criticize him but would we respond if Jesus told us to sell all that we have and give the money away?

Sunday, April 3 “Giving”

Read Luke 19:1-10. Because of the life change Jesus brings, Zacchaeus began to give radically without being told to give. Am I willing to be a radical giver?


Monday, April 4 “Prayer”

Read John 17:1-13. This is the high Priestly prayer of Jesus before he endured the cross. The purpose of the prayer was that God the Father be glorified. Do I desire to glorify God in all that I say and do?

Tuesday, April 5 “Worship”

Read Psalm 99. We exist as a church to glorify God. As individuals, Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:17 to glorify God in all we do. May that be our aim in life.


Wednesday, April 6 “Worship”

Read Romans 12:1-2. Paul is talking about intentional transformation. When we present our bodies as a living sacrifice and renew our minds, this is true worship. Question, do I simply worship on Sunday or do I have a worship lifestyle?


Thursday, April 7 “Count The Cost”

Read Luke 14:25-33. Jesus makes it clear that we are to count the cost. Am I willing to give sacrificially as well as be involved in “Finish the Foundation?” What is God saying to me?


Friday, April 8 “Obedience”

Read Genesis 22:1-18. The testing of Abraham required obedience and sacrifice. Am I willing to sacrifice and show unconditional obedience to God’s vision and plan?

Saturday, April 9 “Giving”

Read 2 Corinthians 9:7. Tomorrow we will receive our special offering for “Finish the Foundation.” I pray that we have all sought God and desire to give not reluctantly or out of compulsion. God loves a cheerful giver.


Sunday, April 10 “Commitment”

Read John 6:26-40. Today our pastor will preach on this passage. Jesus challenges them and us to a higher level of commitment in order for us to move to a higher spiritual level. Pray that God would be glorified as we offer to Him our “Chest of Joash” offering.