Grace and Gratitude — Fairview Greer

Grace & Gratitude is a Christ-centered widow ministry that demonstrates love, compassion, and encouragement through worship and fellowship for ladies who have lost their husband through death. We are committed to the ministry being used as a platform for God’s  glory.

· Our ministry is Christ centered and our purpose is to provide help, encouragement, and fellowship for widows in their new journey in life.

· We meet each month on the fourth Tuesday at noon in the Fellowship Hall.

· Every effort is made to help you leave all events with a positive feeling and joy in your heart knowing that our gracious and merciful God loves us.

· God uses our meetings to provide comfort through fellow widows who care about you.

Fairview Baptist Church has been called to minister to widows, both in our church and local community, who have lost their husband through death, while legally married. This includes widows who have been married more than once. Grace & Gratitude ONLY ministers to widows who were legally married at the time of their husbands passing. Widows who meet the eligibility guidelines are welcome to participate in any event held by the ministry. Widows do not have to be a member of Fairview Baptist Church.


Find out more information about the Grace and Gratitude Ministry by calling the Church Office at 864.877.1881 or by emailing the President of Grace and Gratitude, Sara Utsey, at


Sara Utsey - President

Linda Teems – Vice President/Call Leader Coordinator

Mary McDaniel – Secretary/Treasurer

Lib Hammett – Greeter/Visitation Coordinator

Judy Livingston – Missions/Visitation Coordinator

Travis McDaniel - Shepherd